ICHEC Alumni

Proboss is exclusive partner of the ICHEC business school

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Online simulation

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Proboss is proud to announce its exclusive partnership with the ICHEC Management Business School.

ICHEC was founded in 1954. In the tradition of leading business schools, ICHEC offers day and night management programmes, either as initial training or continuous education.

ICHEC is not just a management school, but also a community on a human scale where everyone carefully considers and implements strategies that guarantee the reputation and high standards with which the school has always been associated.


Together, we are shaping the future of leadership and remuneration optimisation for business leaders. Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date with this exceptional collaboration.


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Calculate your benefit

Select your gross annual salary (excluding benefits in kind) for the past year:

Simulated amounts are indicative, may vary based on individual circumstances, and do not bind Proboss.



Here are your results


Gross exit amount


Net amount


Amount gained in addition to a dividend


Amount of corporate tax savings

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